Final Crisis
In Final Crisis, Darkseid and his prophets from Apokolips have taken new forms as humans on Earth after mass-distributing the Anti-Life Equation around the world. Batman has been captured, Superman is on a journey in the multiverse, and Wonder Woman has become a Female Fury. With most of the world's population under the influence of the equation, they are effectively under Darkseid's control seemingly making him the ruler of the Earth.
In the one-shot Final Crisis: Resist, Mister Terrific and the Checkmate organization are working to mount a resistance against Darkseid but seemingly don't have the means to do it. Sitting in despair in a Checkmate stronghold, Snapper Carr through his hopeless rantings gives Mister Terrific an ingenious idea. Using Sasha Bordeaux to make contact with Brother Eye, Terrific convinces the A.I. to help them, telling it that it will surely be destroyed if Darkseid indeed captures the world.
Realizing this, Brother Eye accepts Terrific's terms, and reveals that there are still millions of people infected with OMAC nanotech. These people, now mindless drones of Darkseid, are overwritten by Brother Eye and become OMAC soldiers under the command of Terrific. This gives Checkmate and him the means to forcefully resist Darkseid.
Any who, as you notice he is a rather standard 4/5 with flight and range. His first power is where he really shines. He takes away the Antilife affiliation from all characters with the identity Omac and protects them from getting it. this is a big boon if you opponent is running a lot of Antilife/Dakseid cards.
His second power is my favorite though. He has what turns out to be a psudo-recovery effect, in that you can get your 3 drop ,or greater, stunned and remove him from the game to Ko it and put him in play. This can be useful to not only keep your board presence up , but can also be used to get an extra attack or 2 in. The only hitch to it, is that you have to KO a non-army character. My thoughts on breaking this power is to run a standard curve 1-5 with non-army guys at 3-5. Then attack 5 to 5, 4 to 4, and 3 to 3 hopefuly getting your guys stunned. The next step woulds be just put three Insurgency Protocols into play and smash a free 15 endurance straight to your opponents dome.